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New Product Creation Services

The New Product Creation Service focuses on the whole process of bringing a new product concept to life and preparing it for market. We are committed to assisting our clients in the design and development of functional, high-quality goods that are both useful and marketable. Customproduct.io will turn your vision into a reality, whether you want to build an industrial wholesale component or a consumer product for the retail market.
The process of designing, manufacturing, and selling a new product is a complicated one that needs careful coordination and attention to detail. Customproduct.io provides a comprehensive set of engineering, design, and prototyping options that can be adjusted to your project's specific requirements. We provide the required insights and technology to rapidly convert your concept into a lucrative new product using our highly successful five-step product development methodology.

Our dedication to transparency is one of the things that distinguishes customproduct.io from the competition. We work closely with clients at every level of the process to ensure they are well-informed. We also provide process flexibility and are happy to begin working with customers at any stage in the product creation cycle.

The 5-Step Process for Making Your Idea a Reality at Customproduct.io

It may take a lot of time and money to bring a product from concept to market, especially for small enterprises that lack the technical know-how, funding, and resources to develop a product. It takes a great deal of meticulous planning and organization to minimize risks and guarantee a product's success when it is released onto the market. Our tried-and-true five-step strategy for product development expedites the process and helps you produce a strong, well-considered product that will succeed in its intended market. As a result, we collaborate with you to carefully direct the product development process using the below five-step methodology:

During the concept development stage, an idea for a new product is converted into a detailed blueprint that can be tested and modified. Customproduct.io engages with customers to explore versions of a concept and its potential qualities through a series of drawings. At this stage, it is crucial to assess the types of problems that the product will attempt to solve and how end users would benefit from having it.

During the product development engineering phase, a plan for translating an idea into a working product is defined based on the client’s cost and quality requirements. Customproduct.io collaborates with the client to identify any relevant design or technical issues, allowing us to develop solutions that are precisely adapted to the project’s unique conditions. The purpose is to ensure that the finished product meets all marketing, regulatory, and user criteria.

During the prototype phase, several manufacturing processes are employed to convert a product’s 3D design into a working proof-of-concept model. Rapid prototype services provided by customproduct.io often include machining, 3D printing, molding, programming, and assembly into a physical form for assessment. The resultant fully-functional prototype allows potential customers and investors to correctly express the product’s aims and capabilities.

The product development testing step guarantees that a prototype or product works as planned. Customproduct.io may create a virtual simulation of a product to validate its usability under certain conditions. This aids in identifying any design problems or opportunities for improvement. The functionality and ease-of-use of a product may be confirmed further through alpha and beta testing, which allows real-world consumers to evaluate the items themselves. Users may then share their experiences and feedback so that the product can be fine-tuned before it is released.

The manufacturing stage of product development employs previous stage knowledge to determine the optimum production plan for your product. During this step, Customproduct.io will leverage its broad network of manufacturers and suppliers to select a provider who can meet your project’s projected scope, budget, and timetable. We also organize communication throughout your project’s various manufacturing phases to guarantee that the proper quality control methods are applied.

Keeping all of this in mind, customproduct.io offers the following features to assist with the various stages of product development:

Design & Engineering

  • Concept development
  • Industrial design
  • Electrical design
  • Engineering/technical drawings
  • Physical and virtual illustrations
  • 2D CAD and 3D modeling
  • 3D animations
  • Patent illustrations
  • Hardware and software development and testing
  • Product documentation


  • Virtual prototyping
  • Proof-of-concept prototyping
  • Prototype testing
  • Beta testing
  • 3D printing in SLS, SLA, FDM processes
  • Model casting

Holistic Product Illustration for Marketing

Whether you're an engineer, inventor, marketer, or anybody else who requires an accurate holistic product illustration, the Customproduct.io Communications team has the resources to develop marketing-friendly illustrations and collateral that communicate clearly and succinctly with your target audience in both static product modelling and motion pictures. Customproduct.io's engineering support staff can provide everything from extremely detailed, technically correct illustrations to simple, attractive product graphics.
  • Technical bulletins might include product photos and cutaways to explain product or process changes.
  • Assembly instructions reduce customer support calls and warranty issues
  • Catalog pictures are used to simplify sizing charts, clarify product possibilities, and facilitate consumer purchase.
  • Technical drawings aid manufacturing by reducing tribal knowledge and mistake.
  • Conceptual renderings of proposed new products allow for marketing and evaluation before committing to manufacturing costs
  • Training visuals enhance the learning process
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